Build Your

Marketplace Platform

Sell Goods | Offer Services | Rent Out Anything | Provide Consultation | Connect Freelancers & Providers

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Best Online B2B Marketplace Platform,
Trusted By 5,000+ Businesses

Empowered 00+ Multi-Million Dollar Marketplace Platforms

Over The Last 8 Years

Finding an answer for -how to build an online marketplace? Code Brew offers a marketplace builder solution that helps boost your revenue up to 6X.

Create Marketplace App Now
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Inspired By The Success Of Popular,
B2B Multi-vendor Marketplace Platforms?

Stop worrying about how to create online marketplace app & website.
We’ve got 80% of what it takes for setting & make a SaaS marketplace solution.

image description
Ride Share/Taxi Booking
Marketplace Platform
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image description
Peer To Peer
Marketplace Platform
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image description
Grocery Delivery
Marketplace Platform
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image description
Marketplace Platform
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image description
Food Delivery
Marketplace Platform
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image description
On demand Delivery
Marketplace Platform
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image description
Marketplace Platform
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image description
Healthcare Services
Marketplace Platform
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Building Online Marketplace Platform
For Every Industry Gets Easier

Code Brew is the ideal fit to develop a marketplace app for any business type & size.
Leverage from the best online marketplace development software that jam with your brand needs.

    • food
      Choose your industry
    • grocery
      Choose your industry
    • pharmacy
      Choose your industry
    • catering
      Choose your industry
    • laundry
      Choose your industry
    • home_service
      Choose your industry
    • beauty
      Choose your industry
    • automobile
      Choose your industry
    • appointments
      Choose your industry
    • freelencers
      Choose your industry
    • transport
      Choose your industry
    • books
      Choose your industry
    • apparel
      Choose your industry
    • travel service
      Choose your industry
    • Space
      Choose your industry
    • furniture
      Choose your industry
    • clothes
      Choose your industry
    • shoes
      Choose your industry
    • mobile assets
      Choose your industry
    • electronics
      Choose your industry
    • outline tutoring
      Choose your industry
    • Dietitian
      Choose your industry
    • doctor
      Choose your industry
    • astrologer
      Choose your industry
    • lawyer
      Choose your industry
    • cars
      Choose your industry
    • space
      Choose your industry
    • equipment
      Choose your industry
    • furniture
      Choose your industry
    • apparel
      Choose your industry

Want To Create Your Own Marketplace
Platform For Some Other Business?

Having a next-level marketplace builder, we help you build marketplace solutions
customized to your specific requirements.

Let’s Discuss Your Needs

Get A Complete Tech Suite
To Launch, Run & Grow Your
Own Online Marketplace Platform

Stop looking for how to create a marketplace app & website! Choose a fully-featured marketplace
builder solution to outshine your competition.


Branded Customer App &

Give your customers an easy way to order/make bookings, building your own marketplace app & website.

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Powerful Admin Panel
For Marketplace

Manage every aspect of your b2b marketplace platform with a robust panel, powered by advanced analytics & reporting.

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Intuitive Agent/Service
Provider App

With the help of the best marketplace builder empower your agents/service providers with an easy-to-use app.

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Get A Complete Tech Suite
To Launch, Run & Grow Your
Own Online Marketplace Platform

Stop looking for how to create a marketplace app & website! Choose a fully-featured marketplace
builder solution to outshine your competition.

Run A Successful Online Marketplace Platform
With A Comprehensive Technology Solution

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End-to-End Features To Scale Your
Online Marketplace Platform

Choose a top-notch marketplace builder that comes with advanced features to
run a fully blown multi vendor marketplace platform.

End-to-End Features To Scale Your
Online Marketplace Platform

Choose a top-notch marketplace builder that comes with advanced features to
run a fully blown multi vendor marketplace platform.

Why Choose Code Brew
To Create Your Own Marketplace?

Give your multi vendor marketplace platform that extra bit of shine. Code Brew let you polish marketplace app & website to perfection.

Fully Customizable

Add “Wow Factor” To Your Marketplace Solutions With Customization Flexibility

Get Marketplace Platform Customized
Unlimited Integration

Elevate Experience For Your Online Marketplace Platform With Unlimited Integrations

Get Powerful Integrations

From First Plan to Launch: We’ve Got Your
‘How To Create Online Marketplace Platform’
Checklist Covered

Not just your technology, but Code Brew has a lot more to transform your B2B marketplace platform idea.

Be Inspired By B2B Marketplace
Platforms Who Trusted Us

Check on the brands that came with- ‘how to start online marketplace’
& now are running successful marketplace solutions.

Put Your Online Marketplace Platform On The Fastest Track To Success With Code Brew

Create Marketplace App

Your Top Questions To Build Marketplace
App & Website Are Answered Here

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Our Fully Customized Tech Solution To Your Clients.

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